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12 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Diet: Our Top Tips

Weight loss


If you're reading this blog, chances are you're scratching your head wondering how to maintain a healthy diet. One of the biggest misconceptions about healthy eating habits is that you have to strictly eat salads, never eat the things you love and starve yourself all of the time. In reality, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

The good news is, there are plenty of ways to maintain a healthy diet that doesn't involve you chucking out all your fave foods. That's right; you can still enjoy foods like ice cream and cake alongside the nutrient-dense foods your body needs to thrive.

12 Tips to Maintain a Healthy Diet

The key to eating healthy is having a healthy balance.

This is easier said than done though, so we've put together 12 tips to maintain a healthy diet that can help you kickstart your weight loss.

1. Eat Fruit Or Veggies With Every Meal

One of the easiest ways to make meals healthy is by adding fresh fruit or vegetables to them. Adding a simple side salad to a dish is sometimes all you need to take your meal over the healthy line.

You can also achieve this by cooking these veggies or fruits into your meal. For example, try cooking scrambled eggs with leafy greens like spinach!

If you're stuck for ideas, avocados are one of the best options to incorporate. They are filled with healthy fats and will keep you full for longer!

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2. If Possible, Avoid The Aisles when Grocery Shopping

Shopping around the perimeter of the supermarket is where you will find a wide variety of fresh produce, like lean meats, vegetables, fruits, and dairy products.

Keeping this in mind next time you are at the shops will help you purchase healthier foods, which will in turn bring about healthier meals. Check out our healthy recipe options here for inspiration on what to buy during your next grocery shop!

3. Snack, Snack, Snack

We can't stress this enough: snacking is not the enemy when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet as long as your snacks are healthy.

Snacking on foods like fruit, nuts, greek yoghurt or The Man Bar will keep you moving until your next meal and help you beat your hunger pangs.

Be sure to plan healthy snacks out for each day, just like you would your meals.

4. Limit Sugar and Saturated Fat Intake

We all love a good snag or a cheeky sweet treat now and then, but moderation is key when it comes to sugar and saturated fat. Foods high in these elements are often low in nutrients and can sabotage your health goals by contributing to weight gain, heart disease, and other health issues.

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5. Control Your Portions

Getting your portion sizes right is crucial for maintaining a healthy diet and keeping your body in top shape. It's all about making sure you're eating enough to keep you going — without tipping the scales.

That’s where The Man Shake comes in – portion control made dead easy. The ingredients in each of our meal replacement shakes are measured out to give you exactly what you need — no fuss, no headaches. So, you can stay on track with your health goals and enjoy a hassle-free, nutritious meal without having to weigh, measure, or second-guess your intake.

6. Eat Fibre-Filled Foods

Ensuring you eat a diet packed with fibre-filled foods is one of the best things you can do for your body. Fibre helps with our digestion and blood sugar levels, and can assist in weight control.

Examples of foods that are high in fibre include whole-grain bread, berries, carrots, beans and nuts. If you're on the go, our meal replacement shakes are an easy and convenient way to pack in your fibre. Just check out our nutritional info if you don't believe us!

7. Slow Down Eating

How fast you tuck into your grub plays a big part in how much you end up eating, as well as your resulting body weight gain.

Research from Nutrients has shown that people who quickly scoff down their food are more likely to eat more and have a higher body mass index (BMI).

It's all down to the hormones. These little buggers are in charge of letting your brain know if you're peckish or packed to the rafters.

But here's the kicker – it takes a solid 20 minutes for your brain to catch up with these signals. That's why taking it slow at the dinner table can give your brain the heads-up it needs to realise you're actually full.

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8. Pack Your Freezer with Healthy Staples

There are so many healthy foods that you can freeze and store for a rainy day. For example, frozen vegetables and fruits, pre-cooked grains like brown rice or quinoa, and lean proteins are your best mates on this journey.

They allow for quick, nutritious meals without the fuss, making sure you're not reaching for that takeaway menu after a long day's work. And hey, why not take advantage of The Man Shake buy 3 get 1 free deal? It’s a damn good bargain if you ask us!

9. Stay Hydrated

Hydration plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy diet. Often, we mistake thirst for hunger, leading to unnecessary snacking that can impact our health and weight loss goals. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day rather than just reaching for sugary drinks and fruit juices.


10. Start a Food Journal

Although you might rather journal your footy team's wins, keeping a food journal can be a game-changer. It helps you track your daily diet, identify patterns (like that 3 pm sugar craving, or withdrawal symptoms), and plan improvements. It's not about perfection but about awareness, and making better choices bit by bit.

11. Surround Your Favourites With a Healthier Option

Instead of cutting out your favourite food or drinks entirely (we see you, beer and burgers!), enjoy them in moderation. It's about balance. If it's a Saturday night and all you want is takeaway foods like a burger or fried chicken, make sure you’re giving yourself a side of something healthy, like fruit, veggies or salad.

This way, you’re still able to enjoy your treat, whilst still giving yourself a more nutritious meal. By not completely denying yourself of your favourite foods, you're less likely to experience intense cravings or end up bingeing later on. It’s a win-win!

12. Consult with Healthcare Professionals 

A chat with your GP or a registered dietitian isn't just for when things go pear-shaped, you know! These experts can provide tailored advice that fits your health status, dietary needs, and lifestyle, helping you to not only maintain a healthy diet but to thrive on it.

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Why is it Important to Maintain a Healthy Diet?

Maintaining a healthy diet isn't just about staying trim or fitting into those jeans from a decade ago; it's the cornerstone of a bloke's overall health and well-being.

Let's break down exactly why it's important to maintain a healthy diet:

Preventing Health Conditions

First off, a healthy diet is your best defence against the common villains of manhood: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and even certain cancers.

Increased Energy

Then there's the energy factor. Ever felt like a flat battery by mid-afternoon?

That's often down to a dodgy diet. The right foods can keep your energy levels steady all day, so you're more ready to take on the world (or at least mow the lawn and socialise without needing a nap).

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Muscle Maintenance

Muscle maintenance is another biggie. Whether you're a weekend warrior on the footy field or lifting weights, a healthy diet packed with protein-rich foods (like The Man Shake) helps repair and build muscle, keeping you strong and able to tackle whatever physical challenge comes your way.

Improved Cognitive Function

A nutrient-rich diet can have positive impacts on your brain and mind too. Good grub can boost your mood, sharpen your focus, and even fend off the brain fog that makes you forget where you put the car keys.

And here's a kicker – maintaining a healthy diet doesn’t have to be a buzzkill!

Discovering new foods and experimenting with recipes means you can look after your health without missing out on flavour and fun.


Why Wait to Feel Great? Maintain a Healthy Diet the Easy Way with The Man Shake

Ready to kickstart your journey to a healthier, more vibrant you, without the fuss? The Man Shake is your ticket to shedding those extra kilos in an achievable way.

With a lineup of flavours like Cookies & Cream that'll make you feel like you're indulging in a dessert — maintaining a healthy diet has never tasted so good. 

So why wait? Grab yourself The Man Shake today and join the thousands of Aussie men who've transformed their lives, one shake at a time!