Tim took charge of his life and lost 19kg!

Tim, 34, from Orange
In later life, I just made poor eating decisions. I became addicted to soft drink and junk food and my health suffered badly for it. I also had a couple of years of terrible dental issues and that was followed by bad back pain.
"The significant moment was the end of my 11-year relationship in February this year. I woke up the morning afterward, looked in the mirror, and just broke down at the person I saw staring back at me."
I've always been a believer of what's inside being the most attractive and important quality in a person, but seeing that man staring back at me was too much. I thought of all the times I'd sat out of playing games of backyard cricket with the family and my son, all the times I felt uncomfortable and didn't want to leave the house, and all the times I said no to taking my partner out and having fun because I was too self-conscious about how I looked. Thinking of all the times my weight had held me back from living my life... a switch inside me just flicked, and I knew it was time to make a change.
I actually found The Man Shake through a workmate who had used it. He had an unused bag and offered it to me and, well, I haven't looked back.
I found it was perfect for me because it's so quick and easy. I pack a shaker in my backpack with 2 servings for breakfast and lunch and some Man bars for snacks throughout the day. I don't have to plan out meals and the variety of flavors means I don't get bored of it, and I can have something filling for dinner and not feel guilty about it.
4 months on, and I feel great. The biggest difference is the general feeling of well being I have day to day. I've got more energy, less back pain, I'm finding it easier to get up in the morning, and I've got a much better range of movement.
Not only do I feel lighter, but since adding in some weight and strength training, I have muscles for the first time in my life!
To date, I have lost 19kg using The Man Shake.
The biggest roadblock for me was the soft drink. I was at a stage where I was drinking 2.5 litres of Coke a day. It was always in the fridge. I would get headaches and the shakes If I went a day without drinking it. Cutting back on it was the hardest thing I've faced during this journey. I do still drink it from time to time, but I never let myself have more than 500mls in a day.
I would recommend it to anyone that is looking for a no BS product, I'm a very simple guy. I don't count calories. I don't know the ins and outs of nutrition and clean eating, hell, I feel out of my comfort zone every time I step into the gym, but here I am 20 kgs lighter and feeling the best I have in my life. Man Shake was a huge part of that.
If Someone Is Out There Thinking Of Starting, What Would You Say To Them?
It's an overused line, but just fucking do it.
It's hard, it takes discipline and it takes commitment, but you can also enjoy a little treat every now and then. People will tell you that you have to exercise every day and smash yourself into oblivion to lose weight, but its all diet and mindset. I go to the gym 3 times a week if I'm lucky.
If you can stay the course, you will see results.
How I Got Here
I've been a chubby kid for as long as I can remember. I always had problems with my Liver (mum's cooking wasn't the healthiest growing up), and I had asthma from the age of 3 which was a real roadblock for me as a child. I struggled to get involved in physical activity and always felt like the kid on the sidelines watching others have fun.In later life, I just made poor eating decisions. I became addicted to soft drink and junk food and my health suffered badly for it. I also had a couple of years of terrible dental issues and that was followed by bad back pain.
"The significant moment was the end of my 11-year relationship in February this year. I woke up the morning afterward, looked in the mirror, and just broke down at the person I saw staring back at me."
I've always been a believer of what's inside being the most attractive and important quality in a person, but seeing that man staring back at me was too much. I thought of all the times I'd sat out of playing games of backyard cricket with the family and my son, all the times I felt uncomfortable and didn't want to leave the house, and all the times I said no to taking my partner out and having fun because I was too self-conscious about how I looked. Thinking of all the times my weight had held me back from living my life... a switch inside me just flicked, and I knew it was time to make a change.
Getting Started
I had tried dieting and exercise in the past, but it never stuck for me. I'd lose a couple of kilo's, but then fall back into my comfort zone and put it back on.I actually found The Man Shake through a workmate who had used it. He had an unused bag and offered it to me and, well, I haven't looked back.
I found it was perfect for me because it's so quick and easy. I pack a shaker in my backpack with 2 servings for breakfast and lunch and some Man bars for snacks throughout the day. I don't have to plan out meals and the variety of flavors means I don't get bored of it, and I can have something filling for dinner and not feel guilty about it.
4 months on, and I feel great. The biggest difference is the general feeling of well being I have day to day. I've got more energy, less back pain, I'm finding it easier to get up in the morning, and I've got a much better range of movement.
Not only do I feel lighter, but since adding in some weight and strength training, I have muscles for the first time in my life!
To date, I have lost 19kg using The Man Shake.
The biggest roadblock for me was the soft drink. I was at a stage where I was drinking 2.5 litres of Coke a day. It was always in the fridge. I would get headaches and the shakes If I went a day without drinking it. Cutting back on it was the hardest thing I've faced during this journey. I do still drink it from time to time, but I never let myself have more than 500mls in a day.
I would recommend it to anyone that is looking for a no BS product, I'm a very simple guy. I don't count calories. I don't know the ins and outs of nutrition and clean eating, hell, I feel out of my comfort zone every time I step into the gym, but here I am 20 kgs lighter and feeling the best I have in my life. Man Shake was a huge part of that.
If Someone Is Out There Thinking Of Starting, What Would You Say To Them?
It's an overused line, but just fucking do it.
It's hard, it takes discipline and it takes commitment, but you can also enjoy a little treat every now and then. People will tell you that you have to exercise every day and smash yourself into oblivion to lose weight, but its all diet and mindset. I go to the gym 3 times a week if I'm lucky.
If you can stay the course, you will see results.