Tim lost 42kg After Neglecting His Health

Tim, 53 years old, from Emu Plains.
A brief background.
Having always been really active and playing sport professionally when I was younger, I always had my weight under control. Once I stopped competing I began neglecting my health and the weight just piled on. I went and visited my family doctor and he was extremely concerned as I had a history of family heart and diabetes problems. He advised me to get a grip on my eating habits and lose weight.
When I became not as active I started eating massive servings and then this became the normal eating habit for me. Over the years I just neglected my health. I finally decided enough was enough when I reached the point where I couldn't walk up 2 flights of stairs without being out of breath.
I realised that I needed to do something serious about my weight.
I was scrolling through Facebook one night and saw the ad and ordered the next day. I had tried lite and easy, appetite suppressants, and numerous other forms of weight loss options.
I lost 42kg with The Man Shake, and have kept this weight off for 10 years now.
Like the others, I was sceptical when I first tried The Man Shake, but after losing 5 kilos in the first 2 weeks I thought to myself, "this is awesome!". I was full after each meal and I followed the simple eating plan on the website. I immediately had more energy and slowly increased my walking each week. I wasn’t tired mid afternoon at work and I had a clearer focus to make better decisions.
I started each day with a shake and this kept me full until around 11am . Previously I didn’t have breakfast and at around 11am it was egg and bacon roll time.
I am now finding myself going out of my way to help people as I have the energy and passion to do so. This passion led me to start one of the first Man Shake Facebook groups in 2018, which has now helped so many guys on their own Man Shake journey. This is something that I'm most proud of.
If someone out there was thinking of starting, what would you say to them?
We all have a spare couple of minutes a day so there isn't an excuse to not at least try this. You will be surprised and pleased with your results. I have been using the shakes for 10 years now and they have changed my life.