Stephen didn’t want to let his family down so lost 70kgs!

Hi, my name is Stephen, and I’ve lost 70kgs with the help of The Man Shake.
I have always been the “big” guy from primary to young adulthood. I could just never get on top of it and food was always a comfort for me a made me happy.
I enjoyed playing sports but never really exercised growing up. I tried diets in the past, lost some weight then but put it all back on tenfold – I could never sustain a weight loss diet.
In 2019 I lost one of the most important people in my life, my grandfather. Being the first member that I’ve lost, it hit me so hard, and I was in a downward spiral, with food as my comfort. I packed on the kilos and ended up weighing in at 145kgs.
I was embarrassed and ashamed of who I was and how I looked. I wasn’t making myself or my Pa proud and I knew it.
In early 2020 my partner’s brother told me he was on The Man Shakes, and I thought that I might as well give it a go.
I have tried and tested different routines, but currently this is my daily routine which is working for me. I used intermittent fasting where I confided my eating window into an 8-hour period. I found this gave me stability and accountability to eat my meals. My favourite Man Shake flavours are coffee and vanilla – coffee for the best start to the day and vanilla for the versatility options, with the blending of various fruits or even a spoonful of Mayver’s Peanut Butter.
A breakdown of my current day of eating looks something like this;
- 10:00am – Coffee shake + scoop of Super Greens + dash of cinnamon
- 12:00pm – snack 1 (fruit/tuna/nuts/yoghurt)
- 2:00pm – lunch shake (most likely vanilla + teaspoon of Mayver’s Peanut Butter + ice, blended)
- 4:00pm – snack 2 (protein bar)
- 6:00pm – a portion controlled home cooked dinner
I found the routine of just adding cold water and my Man Shake powder was so simple, yet so efficient! Taking my meals with me to work not only kept me full, but helped save money too as I wasn’t buying food on my lunch break.
After sticking to the shakes and my intermittent fasting, I found the weight dropping off. I really quickly started having more energy and went from being a lethargic couch potato to someone who now does 10km events, marathon training and plays multiple sports throughout the week!
Now three years later in 2023, I’ve lost 70kgs and the healthiest and happiest I’ve ever been. I like to think I’ve made my Pa proud of me. My now-fiancée has joined me on the weight loss journey, and together we’ve lost over 100kgs together. She’s my rock and I couldn’t be prouder of her. The Man and Lady Shake have really changed our lives.
My motivation to start my Man Shake journey has led to my desire to live a healthier life and lose the weight for good. It's really nice to hear people compliment you and feel inspired to start their own journey on the shakes as well. If you are thinking of giving The Man Shake a go, give it a crack! You have nothing to lose but the weight!