Paul shakes off a massive 50kg and still going


Hi Guys, My name is Paul and I have my own success story to share with everyone.
I started on The Man Shake in order to help me in my journey to lose weight and regain my fitness level to an all time high.
Other methods included trying the Military Diet Plan, One day a week of fasting and a fruit diet even the Steak & Egg diet, they were fun to start with, but none of them are sustainable.
The biggest difference is losing weight has made me the super high strong confident sexy stud of a man that I have become, losing all anxiety and worries.
I would recommend the Manshake and Lady Shake to everyone who is serious about weight loss and fitness building.
I have been using both Manshake and Manbars daily, as well as maintaining a healthy diet, regular workouts with only allowing my self one day a week to treat my self to my favourite cheat meal pizza, often on a Friday evening after work, or on a weekend when I know I'll be catching up with people etc.
So, Adam, I can't thank you enough for having The Man Shakes, Man Bars and the books as a guide to healthy living, foods, meal plans etc.