Mark's heart couldn't take it so he lost 29kg

I'm Mark I am 48 and live in regional Victoria a lovely town called Ballan.
A few years go I ended up in hospital having seizures to the point where my heart couldn't take it anymore and stopped and ended up in a coma for weeks. I was told by the doctors I needed to lose weight because if it happened again they may not be able to help me next time I was 130kg then.
Stubborn me didn't listen and kept on going the way I was eating 4-5 cheese and bacon rolls for breakfast then having bacon and eggs after even going through 1-2 blocks of chocolate at a time I ate too much crap.
If we went out and photos were being taken I was where is wally.. hiding behind everyone because I was ashamed of how I looked and I was saying to myself its the medication for my epilepsy making me look this way with the weight.
Every 6 months I needed blood tests to monitor my meds and during that he told me I had diabetes and my sugar levels were through the roof and not to mention high blood pressure as well all because of the weight he said by now I was 140kg getting heavier.
I would go into my wardrobe and ask my wife or look for my " fat pants " the ones with the elastic waist and then for my shirts the only 5xl would fit.
It started to get to me I kept on saying I was going to for myself and my family so I would be there for them and be able to play with them as well and I would starve myself then binge eat and put more on in the I would give up my family was getting worried as well.
One regular customer of ours came in and we were talking and told us he was starting the man shake I had never heard of it so the boss and I did a google and checked it out and thought what did I have to lose other than a lot of weight?
So I went home told my wife about it and Ruby said go for it I'll support you all the way May 10th, 2021 I started and it was bloody hard going from eating what I did down to a couple of shakes and snacks and when I first started what I called a real meal and real food dinner lol.
So far I've lost 29.7kgs on the man shake and going strong.
The weight was slowly coming off but I would only do exercise around work then I started getting up at 4-30am and walking 2km to the station I was buggered by the time I got there.
Then I started to walk to the station and then home up the hill after work I thought I was going to have a heart attack when I started that but the weight started to come off.
The walk got easier now I'm averaging about 20000 steps a day feeling fantastic loving the man shake and the support the man shake has is fantastic I wanted to change my breakfast and they explained to me why it is important to do the way they suggest and they were right.
Whenever I'm feeling like I'm slipping I'll go onto the man shake page and look at the success story's and it keeps me going. I still have a little way to go but I'll keep going on the man shake because it is perfect for me I make my shakes when I get to work for breakfast and lunch and the man bars are a perfect snack I just love the flavours.
Even though I'm not at the weight I want to be at the moment I feel great about myself I can put on any clothes in my wardrobe and even had to buy new clothes because the others are now too big.
I don't hide anymore In pictures and when people haven't seen me for a long time are amazed how much I have lost and I'm proud to tell them I'm on the man shake and since then I've gotten other people on too it as well because of my weight loss.
I don't want to sound like a preacher but please if you read this and any part of this is you please give the man shake a go.
You will thank yourself for trying and there is support as well through the man shake and the man shakers group on Facebook where we are all on our journey and it will always stay a journey even when I get to my weight because I will still be having my shakes to maintain it.