James Lost 20kg in ONLY 12 Weeks!

Hey Gents.
My name is James, and this is how I lost 20kg with The Man Shake.
Ultimately what motivated me was my kids.
I have three kids, all ten and under, and I hit a point where I was too tired to engage with them. I couldn’t have told you the last time I would kick the footy or even play with them.
When I got home from work, every day I went straight to the fridge and had up to six beers a night.
Something had to change, and deep down, I knew it was me that had to change.
When I first stepped onto the scales, I was left shocked.
I was 110.4kg.
How did I get this heavy?!?!
I was always the active fit guy growing up but then my life got in the way and my health took a back seat.
I turned 40 in February and throughout this year I constantly thought to myself “I need to get fit and lose some weight”. But it wasn’t until the end of September when I finally got off my arse and decided now is the time.
I placed my first Man Shake order and then it all started.
I was in the right headspace to start, and that's what I did. My original goal was to lose about 10kg. Well, that came and went in five short weeks, so I reset my goal to a 20kg loss, which would bring me down to 90kg.
In 12 weeks, I hit that goal and it surprised me!
I was taken aback by how quick and easy the weight fell off. I will admit I was extremely focused on losing the weight which certainly helped me reach my goal.
My routine was simple.
I started walking 2km every morning and slowly step-by-step (pun intended) I built on it until I was walking consistently around 4km.
From here I started jogging for a few hundred metres at a time. It nearly killed me the first week but I kept trying and now run 6km every morning
12 weeks ago I would never have thought this would be possible.
I have a Man Shake in the morning for breakfast, a coffee and a protein yoghurt mid-morning, a second Man Shake for lunch, and then a protein bar mid-afternoon.
For dinner, I have whatever the family are having. I didn't want to completely change everything.
Having a young family, and having different meals to them at the dinner table, felt wrong to me and I decided that's what I would do and I was confident I could still get results.
My favourite flavours of The Man Shake have to be Choc Mint, Choc Honeycomb Crunch, and the limited edition Lamington.
Vanilla is also a great base to add things too. I recently saw someone add sugar-free jelly crystals pineapple and lime flavour to Vanilla and it genuinely tastes like a pine lime old-school milk shake. You HAVE to try this!
Now that I have hit my goal, my routine hasn’t changed too much.
I have added a few more snacks here and there and not being as strict on myself, like having weekends off.
Since using The Man Shake, I haven't felt this good since my early 20s.
I have so much more energy in all aspects of life and this has been an absolute blessing. The best part is the compliments I now receive, especially from people I haven’t seen for a while. It makes all the hard work worthwhile.
If I were to share some advice, it would be this:
Follow your own path.
Don't get caught up on what other people have lost and think it's not working for you because it will work.
Have a plan and stick to it. I started thinking I might lose 10kg and I gave myself 12 weeks to do so. Once I hit that I set my next goal.
Also don't be unrealistic with your goal because you won't enjoy the journey as you should because the goal will always seem so far away.