Jack was struggling to keep up with his mates, so he lost 20kg.

Jack, 23, Sunshine Coast
A brief backstory of your health:
Growing up I was never overly physically active. I never had any good role models on what it meant to take responsibility for your own health and well-being. As I didn’t have healthy eating habits growing up, this gradually got worse as I left high school and I would often lash out eating junk food whenever I felt like it or was stressed. My weight was something that I was always aware of but didn't have the motivation at the time to take control and change anything.
Was there a significant moment or point that you had decided to take the first step?
In late 2018 I went through a rough patch as we all do. At that point, my eating was totally out of control. The turning point was when I realised one day that I was struggling so much to keep up with my mates when they went surfing, mountain climbing, hiking, swimming, running, etc... I was tired of having to miss out on things because of my health. I looked in the mirror and knew that I had to do something and take responsibility for my own health because no one else will do it for me.
I had tried everything under the sun- intermittent fasting, portion controls, exercises and gym, other weight loss shakes and supplements/programs. But nothing worked and I couldn’t control any cravings. I saw The Man Shake advertised on the back of a bus while I was driving one day, so I googled it. I was so encouraged from all the testimonies and pictures I saw of men's lives being transformed so I decided to give it a go.
Getting started:
As I'm a shift worker with mostly early starts, The Man Shake was always how I started my day. I’d get up before work and have my shake. The 2nd shake for the day was always at dinner time, no later than 8 pm mostly. This worked well for me and was super convenient because the shake would fill me up until lunchtime. I would only snack on nuts or protein bars of fruit in between breakfast and lunch, and likewise between lunch and the 2nd shake.
What is the biggest difference now that you have lost some weight and how do you feel?
The biggest difference is my energy levels are so much higher. I feel so much more alert in my job and day to day interactions- I can fully be present and give people my all, without being tired or thinking about the next meal. Also, physically speaking, I have had to buy all new clothes as my old clothes were all too big for me(Which is a real confidence booster!) and have been able to really get back into being outdoors and exercising like I always wanted to. Also one other thing is that since being on The Man Shake my appetite for healthy food has increased and my cravings for bad foods have diminished significantly.
What was your biggest roadblock to getting healthier and how did you overcome it?
My biggest roadblock was in my mind. People say it all the time that the battle is in your mind and it's so true. I never had any motivation because eating bad food whenever I felt stressed or bored was always the easiest option. I overcame it by making attainable goals and committing to actually do the hard yards to make a difference. I kept myself accountable with two close mates who I would talk with on a regular basis through the week regarding my struggles. I won't lie- in the beginning, the mental commitment wasn't all smooth sailing- there were times where I did slip up and that happens- but it was so worth it and The Man Shake definitely made the process easier overall as I was seeing results rapidly.
Why would you recommend The Man Shake to other people?
I would recommend The Man Shake because of it's convenience, the fast results, the sense of community encouragement from others on the program and also the fact that there's so much more material accessible online to help on The Man Shake website with recipe suggestions etc.
Are you going to continue on the shakes as a part of a healthy breakfast or maintaining your weight?
Yes, absolutely! I now have 1 Shake per day and normally it's at breakfast time. The shake makes me feel great and energized for the day ahead and the health benefits continue towards maintaining my weight. It also helps me to control my intake with other foods. If I'm about to go to the gym or climb a mountain for example, sometimes I'll have the shake before doing those activities so I can have more energy.
If someone is out there thinking about starting what would you say to them to motivate them?
I would say find your reason (family? age? Own health?) as that will be your own personal motivator and find people that will encourage and challenge you. We only have one life and we've gotta take care of the body we have if we want to live a long life! Give the Man Shake a go because the results really do come. There's so much pressure on men these days to act a certain way and I feel The Man Shake community gives men a chance to really open up and be vulnerable with each other (in the wider community and with friends) and that's when the change happens!