Glen became a man with a plan after seeing pictures of himself.

Glen, 51yrs old from Brisbane.
I heard a lot about The Man Shake and as an avid footy fan.
I had my gallbladder removed about a year ago and the doctor warned me about eating fatty foods and lots of sugar and that weight gain will happen unless I change my diet and well,
10 months later I had put on 10kg and growing fast.
I had just had some photos done for my new business, and upon looking at the photos, realized how big I was.
So I came up with a diet plan myself, something that worked in with my schedule and something that I thought was doable.
The Man Shake was the first thing in my plans as it looked delicious and easy to take and manage.
I purchased the 3 packets and get 1 free and in various flavors, coffee, vanilla, and strawberry.
I loved the Coffee one in the morning and had another flavor for afternoon tea and heading to the gym. My favorite one now is Coffee and Chocolate.
I cut out all soft drinks and fatty foods, I had lite and easy for dinner and a small tub of yogurt for dessert.
I stuck with this on a 12-week plan along with regular gym visits.
At the end of the 12 weeks, I had lost 17.1kg I'm now in week 14 and down to 18.2kg.
This all helps as I own and operate my own cleaning business which gives me my 10,000 steps a day easy to acquire.
my average is 13500 steps to the gym.
Without the Man Shake, none of the weight loss would have happened, You can actually drink these without gagging, the flavors are truly awesome and easy to drink.
If other blokes are thinking about this, then don't think anymore, just do it.
my advice is for guys starting out, to come up with a plan that is doable for them, something that fits in with there lifestyle schedule.
The Manshake is an awesome way of doing that.
It's so easy to do.