Flavio lost 19kg after the doctor told him he had to change.

After having been to the doctor in January 2016, I had complete blood tests that had come back with results not so good.
My doctor had basically told me that I needed to make some drastic changes as I had a fatty liver, I was overweight, and bordering diabetes, and high cholesterol.
I didn't take my doctor to seriously and continued my ways,
I had a very sweet tooth, enjoyed chocolate and soft drinks, and lots of it.
I snacked a lot in the evening, woke up during the night, and ate lots of sweets. Dinner was healthy however I had huge meals. My wife was constantly saying I needed to something about my weight but didn't take it seriously, and she basically gave up trying to tell me.
It took me about 2-3 weeks before I actually did something about it. My wife was totally supportive of it saying I had to stick to it.
It was time to get serious.
I weighed in at 115 kilos, and my height is 6ft 1. I was tired all the time and didn't sleep through the night. I quit my caramel lattes, soft drink, and chocolate straight away, doing my Manshake for breakfast and lunch,
had a banana for morning tea and an apple for afternoon tea, and then just a healthy meal at night.
I started walking every night at 5km's. The first couple of weeks were disheartening without much loss, only losing about 5 kilos.
I still pushed on I wasn't hungry after having the Manshake, I bought coffee flavor to start with and moved onto the chocolate, vanilla, and banana. I then signed up for the 10week Man Challenge, continued my walking but had started to the 10-minute exercises most evenings. My wife prepared the Meals that were recommended on the Manshake, they were easy and quick to make, and super yummy and filling.
Within a month results were showing, my clothes were becoming too big for me and needed to buy a belt to keep my pants up.

Friends started making comments about how good I started to look. By the end of the 10-week challenge I had lost 16kg I looked at photos that were taken on Mother's Day and compared them to photos on the 10/7/17.
Wow, what a huge transformation.

I had a new set of blood tests done on the 19/8/2017 and I had completely turned everything around,
My liver was fine, cholesterol was within normal limits, and no longer anywhere near diabetes. My doctor was happy with my results.
I'm still losing weight, setting reasonable goals, walking every night, and doing my 10min exercise challenge most evenings. I have gone from a size 102 work shorts to 87 work shorts, and XXL shirt to an M t-shirt.
Total weight loss to date is 19.4 kilos and I look and feel great.
If you're starting out, just do it, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
I have lost so much weight but I have gained my life back.
I owe everything to the Manshake people/staff for their continuous support as well as my Wife's support and love.