David got sick of the teasing and lost 30kg

My name is David, I’m 18, I live in Sydney.
I have never been the fittest person, and in terms of eating, well, sugary and fatty foods were my go-to in almost every situation.
I was however doing regular exercise which meant that I was hovering around the high 90s. 2020 came around my final year at high school.
Mental health to me is just as important if not more important than physical health, my family has had struggles with it, as have I. A major argument in my family meant I moved away from them and went to move in with my dad, and from there although my mental health had improved, my physical health began to plummet.
With the stress of the pandemic, continual family problems, and completing my higher school certificate, I began to develop issues.
Chafing on the legs, stretch marks on my growing belly, heartburn, disturbed sleep - which in turn left me irritable and without much energy.
My weight ballooned to 115kg, I was puffed out if I had to jog down the road to the bus stop to take the bus. Towards the end of the HSC, I could barely fit in my clothes.
The continual issues and my mates becoming more and more savage, with one of them saying: “I know 5 fat blokes, 4 of them are you”, although funny, it did highlight my weight and health issues.
There was a turning point, I was out doing some trainspotting with my friends out in Singleton in the Upper Hunter, to get to the spot that I wanted to take a photo, I had to jump over a 1 metre high fence, doing so, ripped my shorts.
That moment I knew I better do something about this. A shameful walk through Singleton and Big W to get a new pair of shorts further cemented that idea. It was around that time that I began to see ads for a range of protein shakes, including the Man Shake.
I had previously tried some other protein shakes, which didn’t taste very good and had a lack of flavour range, it also didn’t help as it had no guide to healthy eating or any exercise, so I didn’t lose much weight and after I finished that packet I didn’t buy any more.
I also went pretty strict with my dieting and exercising, and didn’t eat any nasties for weeks, and I just craved it even more, which after one stressful afternoon just letting go and binge eating everything in sight. I felt like garbage and gave up on that plan as well.
The teasing alone was enough motivation to lose weight and get healthy.
However, my previous failed attempts didn’t provide me with much hope yet I was sick of the chafing, tiredness, and heartburn, so I decided to look further into the Man Shake.
I typed The Man Shake into YouTube and clicked on the first video, by fellow shaker Ash (aka That Fat Guy), who has lost over 60kg using the Man Shake. Seeing his transformation inspired me, and almost straight after that, I said why not and jumped in.
The Man Shake fit well into my life.
Instead of having 6 Weetbix for breakfast, that barely fit in the bowl, I just simply had a shake.
It’s easy to do and it was filling, providing me with energy to get my day going well, keeping me pretty well full until lunchtime where I had another flavour, the versatility of flavours helped me.
My biggest roadblock, I must say, was the cravings and temptations to just go down aisle 4 at Woolies and fill my trolley up with garbage foods and binge out. However, just by some sign, I always saw someone who was massive, and I stopped myself.
The Friday Night treat meal, which occasionally got out of hand, however, I always got back on the wagon on Saturday, did help me overcome this roadblock and helped me to refocus and keep on track.
I would 100% recommend the Man or Lady Shake to anyone who needs to lose weight no matter how much. The helpful guide with snack recommendations and foods to avoid was one of the main reasons why I stuck to the program, it’s easy to use. It also helped me in terms of saving money as it only costs $2.20 a meal.
Even with the loss of the first few kilos, I began to feel better. By the time I had lost 15kg, the heartburn had fully gone away, I was sleeping much more comfortably at night, my clothes fit better, and I had more energy to enjoy doing the things I love. I feel great.
The teasing and joking around has pretty much stopped, and instead, I now get faces of awe when I haven't seen people in a while.
I think that once I reach my goal weight of around 75-70kg, I will keep on the shakes as just a breakfast shake and to keep me maintained around that weight.
For those people thinking about starting the Man Shake, do it, it’s not as hard as you think, you don’t have to count every single calorie you put in your body and you don’t have to run a marathon every day to lose weight, do the little things, don’t take the lift at the train station, walk up the stairs, don’t drive to the shops to get a bag of groceries, walk there.
Just those little bits of extra exercise and keeping yourself aligned to the program and the shakes, you’ll start to see those numbers drop. I hope this article has inspired you to get on the shake or to keep on shaking.