Dane lost a jaw dropping 81kg!

My Name is Dane, I'm 24 years young and from Penrith NSW.
Honesty, I've always been a fat kid but I think it was my care factor mixed with alcohol. I loved my alcohol, not like alcohol or anything as i was never getting buzzed, nor did i want to i just loved the flavour.
A general week for me used to be 2-3 bottles of Jack Daniels, with about 6 Litres of coke minimum, and sometimes 20-30 drinks going out on the weekend.
Pair that with indulging in nice take out, and overeating and here we were! I remember going for a fish when I was at my worst and I couldn't even walk more than 500m without having chronic pain in my legs and back.
I knew i wanted to really do something after my partner's mother was having a chat with me whilst eating dinner, and she pretty much said "look do you want to be dead before you see your future kids even grow up?" and it definitely took me a while to really sit on that.
Previously I had tried Keto, weight watchers, healthy eating and basic exercise but nothing worked.
I found out about The Man Shake as my old man was actually onto it, and without much thought i was like you know what? Why not, if it works it works. If it doesn't, it doesn't.
My biggest roadblock would be just getting used to it, that first couple months was hit and miss but once you get through it the shake becomes part of your daily routine.
To date i have lost 81kg using The Man Shake.

Now that i've literally lost over 80kg you get to move more, be happier and be a better version of yourself. I now get to catch up with friends more without thinking about when and where I'm going.
I also get to do more adventurous things like riding my bike, going freediving you know stuff I couldn't do once I was at my heaviest.
Two of the biggest and genuine health differences have been my resting heart rate going from 89bpm, which I would get a solid skip about twice a day down to 63bpm and haven't had a skip since. The other, I used to not be able to walk more than 500m to which now I can happily walk up to over 15km in a day.
I now have my man shake twice a day, to which i used to eat take out or pre packed meals that would cost me excess of $150+ a week, so financially and ease this has fit into my life.
I believe that the shake has changed my life for the better, so I have recommended it to everyone I know.
I'll continue to use The Man Shake as financially it helps me a lot, and scheduling around meetings and work is so easy as it's a quick meal and keeps me satisfied!
Never second guess yourself, because one day you will look back and think "i should have given it a shot" when you can do it now, and never have that regret.