Brad had enough and made the changes to drop 35kg!


It was time to change.
I used to suffer badly with gout which was very painful. At the start of February this year I decided I wanted to improve my health and lose weight. I was sick of feeling tired and sluggish the majority of the time. Previously I have tried to lose weight using Dr. Timms and just eating foods I thought were healthy.
After researching I decided the manshake was worth giving a shot as you could still enjoy a beer if wanted
Getting Started
The first couple of months were the most challenging but also rewarding. Over those first few months, my whole taste for food changed as I decided to cut out all sugar. I started to want foods that I never normally would off touched such as avocado, kiwi fruit, berries, natural yogurt, salmon etc.
I couldn’t believe I had missed out on eating this great food for so long!
Adams podcasts were very helpful and seemed to help me through the tough days. I do minimal exercise I walk every now again, it is basically what you put in your mouth that makes a difference.

When I first started The Man Shake I weight 144kg and today I weigh 111kg. So that is a total loss of 35kg.
I have not had gout since starting the manshake and feel great with much more energy and confidence to be able to play with my kids.
Your life doesn’t get better by chance, It gets better by change. When you feel like quitting remember why you started.
Thank you for helping me create a better version of me!