At 63 Ray proves ages is just a number.

Age is but a number and ray is living proof.
I spent the majority of my latter working life in an office and as a disabled veteran, I found it very difficult to get any meaningful exercise.
I retired in 2014 and just kept eating and drinking and stayed away from the gym as I previously had.
About 12 months ago I had a good look in the mirror and although I'm 193cm tall the 120kg was obviously too big
to be healthy so I started light exercise and using man shake aiming to get down to 100kg.
I started with man shake twice a day but after seeing how quickly the weight was dropping I went down to healthy meals and man shake at night
and as I lost weight I would exercise easier and once I hit 100Kg I decided to aim for what I was told was my optimal weight 85kg.
However, I'm now a gym junkie and use The Man Shake to offset those big less healthy meals and I'm feeling great at 80kg.
I've bounced around 80Kg for 3 months now and if I get back to 85Kg it will still be all good as I know that man shake is always there to help control things.
At 63 years old, I'm probably the fittest I've been since leaving the Army 20 years ago.
I highly recommend Man Shake with a healthy lifestyle to turn your life around, at any age.