Anthony Lost 31kg To Be There For His Son

My name is Anthony and I lost 31kg in 9 months.
When starting a weight loss journey, you need to have your main motivator.
Your WHY.
My why is simple.
It’s a 4-year-old boy who inspires me every day.
My son.
Soon he will be playing sports and I want to be the best possible version of myself to run along beside him.
I started my Man Shake journey at 128kg.
My original goal was 110kg but once I got there I repositioned it to 100kg.
But now that I’m sitting at 97kg, my goal has shifted again to 90kg.
My routine was a Man Shake for breaky, a Man Bar for smoko, mixed nuts or a second Shake for an afternoon snack, then a high protein dinner.
I have never calorie counted. Instead, I use my judgment to select foods I know are healthy and what is not-so-healthy.
My favourite flavours of The Man Shake are Chocolate, Choc Honeycomb Crunch, and Choc Mint. For the Man Bars, Rocky Road is the major stand-out.
Even as I close in on (what could be) my final weight loss goal, my routine hasn’t changed. I’m a creature of habit. But now that I have added an afternoon run into the day, the timing of my second Shake may move around.
If I were to offer advice to any fellow Shakers, it would be that mindset is the biggest factor.
If you can get your mind that you can do it… you will!
Please don’t overdo it in the early days as you will slow your progress. We big boys can’t just go running after not doing it for years (or ever) and we WILL get injured easily. Spend the time and build it up.
I know all too well that we can look for excuses. I got told once by an SAS soldier that when you think you are tired that is only about 30% of what you have in the tank. I’m not saying go crazy but consider that we humans are amazing and can do so many things.
I hope someone can look at this story and think “Geez, I want to have a go at this”. You just have to be disciplined in what you do and keep a strong mindset. The first 3 weeks can be the worst but if I can do it anyone can.