Andy packed on 13kg from the sugar just trying to stay awake.

Andy Hair, 42 from Geelong, Victoria
In 2016 I was struck and seriously injured by a car whilst cycling. After a couple of months, my health hit a massive decline and I discovered that
I had injured my liver resulting in an inability to reduce Lactic Acid from my system.
I was addicted (not drug addiction) to anything that gave me energy high. Sugar, Coffee, soft drink, red bulls just to try and survive.
I was literally falling asleep all day.
It wasn’t medically diagnosed until some 4 months after the serious symptoms really set in.
Throughout this time I have little memory as it was a blur and recovering as well from serious head injuries all lead to depression and chronic fatigue.
I was always curious about Man Shake and heard about it all the time on the Radio. Whilst inactive due to health I gained about 13kg.
Although not as significant as some people it was enough to see my Ironman disciplines all go backward.
I was sluggish in the water, injury-riddled in the run and zero power and speed on the bike.
My confidence was down and I started to withdraw from public events.
After my health finally hit an increase and I was starting to feel good I decided that the sugar had to go and it was time to take control.
No more donuts, candy bars or cokes. I went cold turkey from the start.
Since beginning 6 weeks ago I have now lost 12kg and feel insane.
Confidence is through the roof, energy is incredible, sleep patterns are consistent, moods in the household with my family is healthy and able to focus for long period of times is back.
A general sense of wellness is created not because of the magic formula but because with the help of
The Man Shake you get a chance to rid yourself of unnecessary energy boosters that were like a roller coaster.
The best change overall is a leveling of my heart rate.
It is not beating too fast at rest anymore.
Before Man Shake and with extra weight my resting heart rate was around 62BPM.
Today my resting HR is back down to 42bpm. This is quite significant and I can see how extra weight adds to stress on the heart quite significantly but also the extra sugars in the body contribute to overall energy moods that are proactive in creating restlessness on the body.