7 Cracking Ways To Spring Into Action

Ah spring… when blokes start thinking about beach, barbies and board shorts.
Truth is, spring the perfect time to change up your routine, get into new habits, and energise your mind and body. Make this year count by springing into action:
- Set fresh goals
Take a minute to review what you did last year. What worked? What didn’t? Importantly, forgive yourself if you didn’t achieve the big milestones – particularly if you had weight goals. Spring is the perfect time to set achievable goals for the next few months.
- Tidy where you spend time
There’s a reason it’s called “Spring cleaning.” It feels good to organise your Man Shed or your home office or just your wardrobe. When you have a tidy space that leads to a clear mind – and clear minds stay motivated.
- Take it outside
Outdoor exercise is a great way to clear your mind and boost your energy. Best of all, it could be anything. Go for a run or a walk. Get back on your bike. It could be as simple as spending time in a garden – planting, trimming or mowing (that lawn isn’t going to mow itself).
- Put it in your face
Farmers love spring because spring means they harvest. For the rest of us, that means supermarkets are full of fresh fruit, vegies and other produce. So, it’s easier to incorporate fresh ingredients into meals.
- Come out of hibernation
Winter is always a tough time to be sociable. Days are short. The weather can be crappy. But, as soon as spring arrives you can start firing up the BBQ again. There’s nothing quite as rewarding as mates coming round and seeing the new you.
- Learn something new
The start of spring often signals a new round of classes at TAFE and community colleges. So, enrol in something that interests you. Build on your cooking skills. Or learn a language. Or find your inner artist. It’s worth a look.
- Treat yourself better
Take a fresh look at your daily and weekly schedule. Are you having enough fun? Or is it all work and no play? Make sure you time to unwind – it’s essential for your overall health.
Most of all, don’t forget, your fellow Man Shakers are here to help – no matter what the season.