How To Beat Isolation Overeating!


Now that the novelty of isolation has well and truly worn off, reality has set in with a stark realisation - not eating all day is going to be a struggle!
If you're like me, you can't resist opening the fridge or cupboard every time you walk past. It's not that you're hungry, you're just bored.
Eating when you're bored is a sure-fire way to pack on the weight, especially because boredom may become a regular occurrence.
So right now, the #1 threat to your weight loss progress is isolation eating... and if you don't want to come out of isolation a good 10kg heavier, you're gonna need to beat it.
Here are our 5 tips to conquer isolation overeating!

1. Be aware of your triggers
So we know the biggest trigger for overeating when stuck at home is boredom, but what else triggers it for you?It might be a certain food, like that chocolate on the top shelf staring back at you or the chips in the cupboard. Whatever it is, bin it or set a stern limit.
Triggers aren't just the foods themselves either, they can be situations, times, and people (kids!). Once you're aware of what triggers your eating, find ways to reduce their effect on you.
And if boredom is one, keep busy! If you're like me, there's 100 jobs around the house you've been putting off.

2. Speaking of triggers... Stress.
It'd be easy to get stressed right now with everything going on, but stress eating won't solve anything.Stress eating is so common because when people get stressed, they look for comfort. For most people, they find that in food. When the main way you deal with stress becomes eating, it can have a negative impact on your health, happiness, and weight.
Distracting yourself from anxiety, depression, or boredom by eating creates a cycle of dissatisfaction. Something happens that makes you unhappy, you eat to comfort yourself, and then you feel guilty for eating your feelings, thus repeating the cycle.
Studies have proven that when stressed, we give in to bad eating habits much easier. So to combat this, work on reducing your stress levels with a healthy diet, sleep, and relaxation.

3. Tell people what you're doing!
Losing weight is such a personal thing, and sometimes you don't feel comfortable sharing with others that you're trying. But if the people around you don't know you're trying to lose weight, how can they help?Just let them know what you're doing and how much it will help your life. Not only will they try to help you out with it, but they can then also hold you accountable and keep you on track. Who knows, it might even help them to assess their own eating habits and join you!

4. Be organised
If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail. You're about 100% more likely to order pizza if there isn't food to be cooked in the fridge.Our brains are funny things. You know you shouldn't be eating fast food, but if you think about it enough your brain can come up with an excuse for why it's a good idea to eat it. "Just this once, the rest of the week I'll commit to the diet fully", becomes a weekly occurrence if you let it.
Organise your week's meals ahead of time, even meal prep them so all you have to do is heat it up - this takes away the convenience argument. Have your Man Shake ready to go each day, and don't go shopping on an empty stomach (you're much more likely to buy junk).

5. Out of sight, out of mind
If it's not there, you can't eat it. Now you don't have to go completely cold turkey, but limiting your exposure to the foods that you can't resist is a good way to kick the addiction.This means not buying it in the first place when you go shopping, and cleaning out your cupboard. If it's not there, you can't grab it late at night.
Here's our Fast 5 for beating Isolation Eating -
- Know what your triggers are.
- Avoid stressful situations.
- Tell close friends and family what you're doing.
- Organise your meals ahead of time.
- Out of sight, out of mind!