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Easy Fitness Hacks To Improve Your Golf Game



Look, you don’t exactly need to be Mr Universe to play golf. It’s not particularly physical, and aside from walking between the holes, you’re not going to get a hell of a lot of exercise when out on the course (doubly so if you use a cart!).

However, there is evidence to suggest that being fit improves your golf game, so if you’re looking to lower that handicap, it’s not a bad idea to hit the gym. Let’s find out how.

Start With Your Muscles And Core

Surprisingly, playing golf uses a lot of muscles. Not only do you use your forearms and pecs while playing, but you also end up incorporating your quads, glutes, hamstrings and obliques.

With that in mind, we recommend doing a mixture of both compound and isolated resistance training that focus on these areas, as this will increase the strength of your swing and improve your stability.

Core strength also plays a significant role in your golf game, as your abdominal, back and pelvic floor muscles are responsible for a decent amount of the power you generate for your swing. 

Exercises To Strengthen Your Game

Hip Circles With A Slider

This exercise increases your hip mobility, which is great for both your backswing and downswing.


Grab something to use as a slider and place it under your foot (a drinks coaster works well). Start in a push-up position with your hands under your shoulders. In one motion, swing your leg out to the side, and around and bring your knee up towards your chest. Keep your core engaged throughout the process. Repeat on each side of the body.


Here’s an example of the action in motion. Aim to do between eight to 15 reps on each side, three to four times per week.


Goblet Squats


This exercise will add extra distance to your swing by strengthening your legs, activating your glutes, stabilising your knee and the join that links your lower spine to your pelvis.


First, put an exercise band around your knees, set your feet straight ahead and shoulder-width apart. Then grab a kettlebell in both hands and hold it at the middle of your chest. Squat down 90 degrees, like you’re about to sit down in a chair and then return to the starting position.


Aim to do between six to 12 reps, three to four times per week. Check out this video to see the exercise in action without the band.


Back Swing Trail Leg Loading With A Band


This exercise teaches your body how to load correctly for your backswing. It helps you keep your posture and increases stability and external rotation.


If you’re a right-handed golfer, you start by putting an exercise band under your left foot (you put it under your right foot if you’re left-handed).


Get into your golf set-up position and, while keeping your lead arm straight, pull the band back to the top of your swing. Return to your starting position and immediately pull up against it with no break in between.


Aim for between six to 12 reps, three to four times per week.


Split Stance Band Rotations


This exercise should help train you to swing a club both quickly and effectively while also working on your stability.


Secure an exercise band around something stable, grab the band and put your elbows near your sides. Drop your right foot back and squat slightly, so both knees are flexed in an athletic position (like you’re attempting to perform lunges). Next, do a series of quick 90-degree rotations across your midline to your left, all while keeping your core engaged. Then swap sides by dropping your left foot back and turning to the right.


This is a good example of the exercise in action, but you may want to move a little faster.


You want to aim for eight to 10 reps of this exercise three to four times a week.

Cardio For 18 Holes

While golf doesn’t require a lot of running or jumping, there is evidence to suggest that having good cardiovascular health can be great for your golf game. You need stamina on the links, but you also need mental focus, which is linked to good physical fitness.  


In terms of specific exercise, it doesn’t need to be anything too strenuous. Try some light running, walking, swimming, bike riding or incorporate some additional incidental exercise into your life.


Additionally, if you’re looking for a little more energy and focus on the course, you could try some Man Shake BOOST, which can rev up your energy levels, sharpen your focus, improve hydration and power up your metabolism.