Avoid these symptoms of sugar withdrawals!

Starting your weight loss journey is hard enough as it is, so the last thing you want is your body fighting you back. When Shakers just start this new lifestyle they are often left sitting with headaches, fatigue, and irritability. But why?
Whether it be in its simple form or as carbs, sugar is a brutally tough craving to overcome. Many studies have shown that sugar nails the reward centre in your brain. We use this system to reward ourselves, so we feel good about something and then want to do it again. It’s what has kept humans alive (no wonder it feels like death when you take it away).
To be nerdy about it, sugar triggers the release of dopamine in the brain while also releasing internal opioids. Yeah, but what does that mean we hear you say?
It pumps the same part of your brain with a chemical that gives you a similar response to addictive drugs, and then a different chemical that causes future cravings. Just to make it worse, the more sugar you eat, the more tolerant you become of its effects. To get that same feeling you need sugar! Sounds more and more like drugs, aye?
Cutting down on sugar sounds great in general but it is a must with your weight loss journey.
Here are the most common symptoms of sugar withdrawal so you can prepare for them, and avoid them in the future:
Headaches, Dizziness, and Light-headedness
Cutting down on sugar will cause the sugar levels within your blood to drop as well. Your brain will notice the loss of one of its easiest energy sources and it is going to tell you about it!

Mood Changes, Fatigue, and Irritability
As we said above, sugar fuels your dopamine factory. The more dopamine you have the better you feel, so with not as much to go around, you will find yourself feeling less energetic, a little bit flat, and likely a drop in your tolerance for things that annoy you.

Intense Cravings
Your body LOVES simple sugars (think the granulated, added-into-food sugar kind) as it doesn’t have to work to break them down. It is literally a quick energy solution. As far as it is concerned, sugar is the best fuel ever. If you take it away your body will demand it needs it. It doesn’t want to do the heavy lifting to make energy. Make your body work for it!

It all sounds so doom and gloom, but here is how you can get through it:
Don’t Skip Meals
If you’re trying to break your sugar addiction, it’s important to not skip meals. Skipping meals makes your body look for fast refuelling choices, which means it will go for the energy that is the quickest to absorb – sugar.
Having set mealtimes helps you to kick cravings because you know when you will be eating next, and you’ll be less likely to want to eat outside of these times.

Drink Water
Often we mistake a craving for being thirsty. Before you give in to the sugary snack, have a drink of water and see how you feel. Chances are that after 10 minutes the craving will chill out.

Be Proactive
Planning ahead is key to weight loss and beating sugar addiction! If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail. Having low-sugar snacks on hand (cough cough, The Man Bar 😁) makes you less likely to go out of your way for sugar-filled foods.
Planning also means you won’t be pulled towards crap choices when you pop into the shops or servo, saving you the internal battle and inevitable submission to your cravings.

Start The Day Right
Protein and fibre increase the feeling of being full. This is because they take longer to digest, so they will suppress your appetite longer.
Eating a high-protein breakfast will leave you fuller throughout the day, meaning you’re less likely to overeat and give in to cravings. That’s why The Man Shake & The Man Shake GO! is perfect – it’s high in protein, and fibre, and low in sugar.

How many of us have used sugar to power through the day? Throw a couple extra Zs your body’s way. Being well-rested will help keep those energy levels up and decrease the need for pick-me-ups.

Break The Habit
We humans love routine as it provides safety in chaos. That doesn’t mean we can’t alter that routine with a healthier option. By simply swapping your can of soft drink for a no-sugar option, milk to dark chocolate, chips to nuts, and so on, you can stay close to the routine but make it better.

Follow The 80/20 Rule
Sometimes, making certain foods forbidden only makes you crave them more. If 80% of your meals are healthy and balanced, there is room for you to indulge without falling off the wagon.
This is why The Man Plan encourages a treat meal. If you know you will have your favourite food later in the week, you’re less likely to break your diet outside of this parameter.