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5 Hacks to stop your bad eating habits

Health hacks


There's no point sugar-coating it anymore because that's what got most of us in this pickle in the first place. Weight loss can be one of the most difficult things anyone can do and even if you hit your goals the odds are still against you.

That's why we try to make losing weight as easy as possible so you can focus on life and all the good stuff that comes with it. At the end of the day, the KEY to losing weight (along with the right tools 😉 ) and keeping it off is changing your bad habits into good habits.

Now saying that and doing it are 2 different things and as humans, this is where we get caught up. The gap between what we want to do and what we end up doing is where we fall short, why?  Because life happens and predictable things get in our way but if we know they're coming then can face them head-on.

Here are five behaviors that can help make your healthy goals doable.

2. Focus on "How" and not "What"

More often than not we think about what we will or won't eat or how will I make it through the workday but how many times do we actually stop and figure out how to do it?

For example, How will I lose weight this week?
  • Drink my Man Shake for breakfast and lunch
  • Prepare my snacks the day before
  • Drink 2L of water each day
  • Avoid the lunchroom vending machine
It's important when you tackle anything new in your life that you focus your energy on exactly how you will make it happen. Honestly ask yourself how am I going to stick to the program this week, plan your attack and execute.