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4 ways to lose those lockdown kilos.


Let's be honest I'm pretty sure we all visited the fridge a little too frequently during the coronavirus lockdown, you’re not alone.

First, there was the encouragement to buy food in bulk. Then the disruption to our regular routines compounded by the anxiety of being forced to stay at home.

So is it any wonder many of us reached for comfort food or the closest bottle with everything going on? Or that our jeans might be feeling that little bit tighter?

And now that the lockdown is lifting and you have to go out in public again it's time to ramp things up and burn off those sneaky kilos from lockdown.

Get a good routine

The good old saying of "Failing to plan is planning to fail" is spot on here. For the last 6 months, everything has been thrown out the window and a good portion of that has been stuck at home with our normal routines in dismay.

That's why setting up a routine is so important. It gives you a sense of purpose and keeps you on track without having to make so many decisions.

A good morning routine is a foundation to a good day, So stop scrolling social media and make a plan that you can stick to like below.
  • Get Up
  • Drink 2 glasses of water
  • Go for a walk / Exercise
  • Get ready for work
  • Make your shake/breakfast

Buddy up.

Now lockdown is lifting and to a lot of people, the isolation has been harder for some. So now is the time to reach out to friends or family and start something together.

It can be a simple as meeting for a walk every day or holding each other accountable with a food diary, weekly weigh-in results etc

Studies have shown that people are more likely to succeed and stay motivated when they in a group or pair.

Watch your alcohol

Many of us are probably drinking too much in lockdown, and with the best will in the world, it would take a strong person to cut out alcohol in times like this.

Alcohol leads to a loss of dietary self-control, and one drink can make us think food tastes better, so we want to eat more.

According to the British charity Drinkaware, alcohol accounts for 10 per cent of the daily sugar intake among 29 to 64-year-olds.

You should introduce regular days off, which will slash your calorie intake significantly. Stick to small servings. A standard 175ml glass of wine contains about 160 calories, while a large glass (250ml) contains 225 calories.

It’s all too easy to fall into the habit of opening a bottle of wine early on in the evening. Resist because it could mean you end up eating more. When people were asked to drink red wine before and during a meal of garlic bread and pizza they consumed 25 per cent more calories from the food than a control group who had no wine.

Sling the scales

It is NOT healthy to be checking your weight every day – fact. That number on the dial is not what you should be living your life by, but how you feel and your general wellbeing.

Don't forget, a change in diet can have brilliant results everywhere but the scales, so if they’re not saying what you think they should be, it can be pretty disheartening. Instead, focus on how you feel in yourself, your clothes and your energy levels too.